Classroom Basics

Remember to look and return the BEE (Bring Everything Everyday) folder.  Your child should be in charge of taking care of their folder and encourage them to show you their BEE folder every night.  I will often make quick comments on worksheets if additional practice is needed at home.  Notes to me should be placed in the front pocket - this is the best way to communicate with me.  Please review and remove papers that I place in the back pocket.

Homework packets are available online or can be sent home weekly.  The exercises go along with the Story Town Reading program we use in the classroom.  Speed Drills should be attempted on an ongoing basis and returned when they are mastered.

Kindergarten students are welcome to bring a healthy snack from home.  We usually have snacks around 10:15 am.  Please do not send drinks, as our classroom has a water fountain.

Kindergarten goes to specialist everyday from 12:50 to 1:50
Monday - Art and Gym
Tuesday - Spanish and Music
Wednesday - Library (3:00 - 3:45)
Thursday - Art and Gym
Friday - Spanish and Music

Birthdays are a big deal to Kindergarten children.  If you wish to send a treat for your child's birthday, it must be store bought, individually packaged, and cannot have sugar listed in the first three ingredients. Please let me know when you will send treats.  I will be happy to pass out invitations if the whole class or at least all of the same sex are invited.

Toys should not be brought to school.

If you child is prone to accidents, please send a change of clothes that can be kept in a plastic bag in their cubby.

Again, the best way to contact me is via note in the BEE folder.  You can also email me at:  If you need to speak with me personally, I arrive at approximately 7:30 am.  Please do not leave a phone message, as I don't routinely check for them.

I want your child to LOVE Kindergarten and come away with positive memories for a lifetime.  Therefore, I need your support and understanding.  I hope we can work together to create the best possible environment for your child.

Ms. Goetsch

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